Is Dizziness common in Teenage Girls

Is Dizziness common in Teenage Girls

Be alert to Dizziness in teenage girls Dizziness is common in teenage girls. What’s more, teenage girls tend to experience dizziness more than teenage boys, though it’s quite common with both. However, the reasons for dizziness to happen are less clearcut and we must...
Could Dizziness be a Panic Attack

Could Dizziness be a Panic Attack

Dizziness could be a symptom of a Panic Attack For many of us, some experience of dizziness is normal, whereas, panic attacks are quite rare. Your dizziness could be a symptom of a panic attack, but it’s unlikely. If dizziness is a regular problem for you, see your...
Balance Problems from the Neck

Balance Problems from the Neck

Beware of Balance Problems from the Neck Balance is a vital part of everyday life, where body and brain work in tandem to keep you upright and steady. Balance as we know it combines head control, posture and coordination. Your static balance is how you maintain...
Treatments for Children with Balance Disorders

Treatments for Children with Balance Disorders

Top treatments for children with Balance Problems There are many effective options to assist children with Balance Problems. The treatment for Balance problems in a child is specific for the child. A team of specialists consisting of a pediatrician, ENT specialist,...
Balance Disorders in Children – Diagnosis

Balance Disorders in Children – Diagnosis

Best Ways to Diagnose Balance Disorders in Children Advancements in technology have redefined how are Balance Disorders in children Diagnosed. An interdisciplinary approach is now the gold standard for children suspected of having a Balance Disorder. A child with...